Nutrition Just

Do you know your Metabolic Type? Take this free 30 second quiz to find out the foods that work for your body!
Don’t Worry It’s Free! - Only takes 30 seconds!

Your Body, Your Plan

2,634 Reviews

Imagine Having a Nutritionist in Your Pocket.

G-Plans is a nutrition plan that adapts to your body as you change. 100% custom, 100% flexible, and 100% geared to get you the results right for you.
Step 1
Take the metabolic type quiz
With this 30 second quiz we can learn about the right foods for your body
Step 2
Pick the foods you like to eat
G-Plans will tailor the meals you like to eat to get you weight-loss results!
Step 3
Share your results with the community
With G-Plans you are never alone! We have a community of people all helping each other succeed! Positive vibes only!

Everything You Need in One Place

Join the community!

100% Customized Meal Plans
Get personalized weekly meal plans from Dr. Goglia made specifically for you
Each recipe tailored to your exact needs
Perfect macro nutrients for your body
Easy Meal Tracking and Planning
Meal tracking + planning made easy. Get instant feedback and tips on your meals/ habits.
Full macro nutrient recaps/ tips and coaching
Plan ahead with our meal planner
Eat the foods you love! No reason to restrict
G-Plans is about having a healthy life style. We encourage you to eat the foods you love and make it easy to do so. You deserve it!
7 Meals a day = no cravings
Eat a cheat meal every week!
An Expert Team At your Fingertips!
Meet your new Nutritionist! Dr. Philp Goglia is the top nutritionist in the world, working with A-list celebrities, athletes and high risk clients in his Santa Monica clinic. Now his team is your team!

See The Results For Yourself!

Lost another pound down 17 lbs, down 4.5 inches on my waist, 5.75 on my thighs , 6 on my hips and 4 on my arms. My whole body is looking more toned non of my clothes fit everything is more than big. Energy is fantastic.
~ Rebecca
I am down 4.5 lbs since Saturday, I am not hungry, feel good and that is VERY encouraging
~ Kim
I’ve noticed a huge change in the diet this week and I’ve lost another 3.5 lbs. So, since being on the plan I’ve lost over 9lbs. I’ll post some progress pics later....but guys, press on! This works!
~ Maria
I'm in my 8th week on this diet and I'm down 25 lbs. I feel great !!! Don't get discouraged on this diet it works. The water is one or most important part on this diet.
~ Julia
No drastic crazy changes but I notice it in my face and waist/gut area. And my chest and butt look lifted! What the what!
~ Luareen
I have never shared my progress before, but I am really proud of how far I’ve come so I decided to finally share with everyone. I used to never take pictures of my body because I was ashamed of how I looked.
~ Anne
Completed a full cycle and lost nearly 40 lbs. I was pleasantly surprised that I kept it mostly off without really even following the plan.
~ Karen
I'm down another 6 lbs for a total of 18.8 in two weeks and my husband went down a total of 13 pounds in 2 weeks!
~ Tannith
I love not being hungry, but still losing weight! Finally something that works for me!
~ Brandi
Week 3 and I'm down 6 lbs. It goes against all the other plans I've tried like intermittent fasting and restricted calories. Amazing.
~ Lory

It’s time for change!
It’s time for g-plans.